To the Campus Community:
As you know, Rutgers University is working this year to develop a long-term strategic plan. As an important part of the information-gathering phase, President Robert L. Barchi has scheduled a series of town hall meetings, including one from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, March 7, in the 401 Penn classroom accessible from the side of the Paul Robeson Library. I encourage you to participate in this open forum, at which you will be able to learn more about the strategic planning process and offer your ideas and suggestions for consideration.
The town halls are one of several ways the university is gathering input from students, faculty, staff, alumni, governing board members, state leaders, and community stakeholders in order to create a strategy to guide Rutgers for the next 10 years. Other activities in this stage of the process include surveys, interviews, focus groups, and advisory group meetings.
You can find a full listing of town hall meetings on the Strategic Planning website at I am excited about the future of our university and our campus community, and I look forward to a strong turnout at the town hall. Please make every effort to participate.
Wendell E. Pritchett, J.D., Ph.D.