Rutgers University and Urban Leaders to Announce Historic Preservation Agenda on Dec. 8; Also Will Tour Newark’s Hahne Redevelopment

Rutgers University and Urban Leaders to Announce Historic Preservation Agenda on Dec. 8; Also Will Tour Newark’s Hahne Redevelopment

express newark
Artist's rendering of Express Newark's main atrium.
On Tuesday, December 8th, Rutgers University – Newark, the Preservation Rightsizing Network, and others will a host a free public event to highlight innovation in urban development preservation in Newark and celebrate the release of a nine-point Action Agenda for Historic Preservation in Legacy Cities. The public event will bring over 40 urban development experts and advocates from Detroit, Cleveland, Philadelphia, and more, along with seven guest speakers including Nancy Cantor, Chancellor of Rutgers University - Newark. 

Attendees will receive an insider tour of Newark’s historic Hahne & Company building, which is currently under renovation as part of a major mixed-use development, integrating many of the pivotal principles advocated by the Action Agenda. The over 150 currently registered attendees will learn first hand how efforts to revitalize and preserve landmarked buildings like the Hahne & Company Department Store — which previously sat vacant for 30 years — are helping to sustain historic neighborhoods across the nation.

The beloved, late Dr. Clement Price of Rutgers University – Newark will be honored at the event with an award given jointly by three national organizations, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the Preservation Rightsizing Network, to which he contributed so meaningfully over the course of his career as a quintessential public historian.

Members of the public and the media must RSVP to attend the Hahne & Company building tour.

A description of the Express Newark arts facility is here.

WHAT:           Action Agenda for Historic Preservation in Legacy Cities

                      Discussion and Tour of the Hahne & Company Redevelopment

WHEN:          Tuesday, December 8

                        Media Avail    2 –2:30 PM

                        Media Tour     2:30-3:00 PM
                        (of Hahne Building–shuttle from 15 Washington provided)

                        Public Event    6 – 8 PM

SPEAKERS:     Nancy Cantor, Chancellor of Rutgers University - Newark
                         Cara Berton, Chair of Preservation Rightsizing Network

WHERE:          15 Washington Street, Newark, NJ 07102, Great Hall (main floor)

RSVP:              Peter Englot,

About the Preservation Rightsizing Network

The Preservation Rightsizing Network (PRN) works with legacy cities to preserve local heritage and revitalize the built environment. It provides ways to engage, share best practices, and develop new tools to strengthen communities for the future.

About Rutgers University - Newark
Rutgers University - Newark (RU-N) is a diverse, urban, public research university that is an anchor institution in New Jersey’s largest city and cultural capital. Nearly 11,500 students are currently enrolled at its 38-acre campus in a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs offered through the Newark College of Arts and Sciences, University College, the Graduate School-Newark, Rutgers Business School – Newark and New Brunswick, Rutgers Law School, the School of Criminal Justice, and the School of Public Affairs and Administration. An engine of discovery, innovation, and social mobility, RU-N has a remarkable legacy of producing high-impact scholarship that is connected to the great questions and challenges of the world. A pivotal strength is that RU-N brings an exceptional diversity of people to this work—students, faculty, staff, and community partners—increasing it innovation, creativity, engagement, and relevance for our time and the times ahead. For more information please visit